Did You Know?
The City of Hamilton has a By-law that prohibits the unnecessary idling of vehicles within the City. For more information on the By-Law click:
City of Hamilton Anti-Idling By-law No. 07-160.
Anti – Idling Campaign
Turn off your Engine and Save!
- Save your Money
- Save the Air
- Save your Health!
When cars, trucks and buses are left running while parked, they produce pollution that contributes to problems like climate change and smog – which affect the health of all Canadians.
Are you a Frequent Driver? Ready to do your Part?
There are a number of things you can do to help improve air quality. You Can:
- Turn off your engine while waiting for more than 10 seconds.
- Keep your car well maintained. A poorly tuned engine will use up to 15% more fuel than a well-tuned vehicle.
- Use a block heater to keep the engine warm in cold weather. Warm up your car simply by driving.
- Avoid using a remote car starter. These devices encourage you to start your vehicle before you are ready to leave, which means unnecessary idling.
- Spread the word to your family and friends about the benefits of not idling. This will help them to save money and help protect the environment and their health.
Put a stop to engine idling. It’s a great way to do your part in protecting our air quality, minimizing the emissions that contribute to climate change and saving energy and money – all at the same time. In Hamilton, idling complaints can be reported to 905-540-6000 or parking@hamilton.ca.