2022 Clean Air Hamilton Funding

Clean Air Hamilton awarded grant funding to the following projects in 2022

Fresh Air for Kids – Green Venture & Corr Research Inc.

The Fresh Air For Kids program is primarily an education-focused initiative, providing introductory
information to grade school students on issues of air quality, scientific methods, mathematics and reporting, and individual and community level solutions.  To date, FAFK has conducted 39 presentations in 33 schools with approximately 1,625 students and 70 teachers. These direct participants have allowed Green Venture to reach approximately 5,000 indirect participants (parents, siblings, etc.) Green Venture’s goals for the 2022-2023 school year are to deliver the program to 200 students and reach approximately 600 indirect participants (approximately 5 schools with ~2 teachers per school participating). This will allow Green Venture to engage with approximately 200 direct participants and 600 indirect participants.


Trees Please – Environment Hamilton and Hamilton Naturalists’ Club

With the help of volunteer community scientists, Trees Please will monitor particulate pollution levels and assess urban forest canopy cover in up to 3 lower city neighbourhoods (Sherman North, Keith, and Parkside West). Their plan is to circle back to neighbourhoods where tree audit and air quality work has occurred in the past and to focus in on more strategic tree planting opportunities. This will enable them to prioritize creative solutions to increase the tree canopy in critical locations where Particulate Matter levels are high, tree cover is low, and urban heat is high. Trees act as natural filters, cleaning and cooling the air. Their aim is to increase urban tree canopy coverage to help improve air quality and also decrease urban heat island impacts by getting more trees planted in neighbourhoods that need them most.